Gadgets to Wear

How to use Pixel Watch Faces on Galaxy Watch 4 and 5

Pixel Watch comes with a some stunning watch faces, you can now install them on Galaxy Watch 4 and Watch 5.

Yes, you can install and use the Pixel Watch faces on your watch. Let's take a look at the steps.

First, you need to download the Pixel Watch faces APK file and sideload it on your Galaxy Watch 4/5.

Let's Begin

On your Galaxy Watch 4/5, activate the Developer options from Settings by tapping version number 7-8 times.

Connect your Watch to PC, make sure that your watch and PC are connected on same WiFi. Then, enable Debug over WiFi and ADB Debugging.

You need to install SDK tools on your PC, then extract it. Now open the SDK tools folder and open CMD by writing CMD in address bar.

Copy the downloaded APK in the SDK folder and rename it to "watchface.apk". Now, run the command: adb connect 'IP address' and allow debugging.

Enter the command: adb -s 'IP address' install watchface.apk Now wait for process completion.

DONE! Pixel Watch faces are here on the Galaxy Watch 4/5! All total 18 watch faces!

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